Intuitive relocation analysis

Relocation Calculator

Discover the most efficient production locations with our relocation calculator and optimize your product costs and profitability on a global scale.
Intuitive relocation analysis

The relocation calculator allows you to easily and quickly calculate production costs in over 4,100 country regions. This enables you to make informed make-or-buy decisions and better support strategic business decisions. Dynamically adapting to current market conditions and with a global focus of over 130 countries, the calculator provides a comprehensive overview for your decision-making.

Detailed cost overview and automatic adjustments

With the help of our detailed cost break-down, which includes 31 items, you can track all changes in percentage and monetary value. Identify the cost drivers and difference values and use the option to import the calculated product back into the calculation to perform further simulations.

The relocation calculator automatically adjusts material, machinery, labor and overhead costs to ensure accurate calculations.

Efficient production site analysis

With the relocation calculator, you can quickly and accurately analyze the economic benefits of relocating production in different country regions. Avoid bad investments and make informed decisions to increase your company's profitability.

Screenshot of the Relocation Calculator module from the costdata Calculation software.